The focus of this body of work is communication. Interest arose as I began to notice filler words expanding into filler phrases, from “mmmm” and “aaaah” into “to be honest” and “yeah, no, you know”. Words are only part of what is being said. What else is being transmitted, how is it sent and how is it received? Through the movement of our bodies, the spatial relations when we stand together, the tone of voice and the habitual pattern of our thoughts we are using communicative tools.
We have inherited our technologies for communication from previous generations. These generations are still contained within how we use them today. They weave an underlying fabric creating the context which our current communication is based upon. I have created surfaces of inter woven paper to suggest this context, layered and interlocking, fixed in place while still remaining fragile. Willow charcoal makes an ephemeral mark but its erasure nevertheless leaves a trace for future generations.

Beneath Language

We communicate what we are made of

Then is inside of now

Then is inside of now

Research sketches

Research sketches

Research sketches

Working wall

Working wall