Katie Reynolds is a Printmaker and Educator. Her work is a personal inquiry, featuring imagery of herself and her young sister. She begins with photography as a form of visual research, which evolves to form etchings, digital collages and 3D forms.
This collection of work aims to depict how we form as individuals and how the individual grows in response to their surroundings. Learning our behaviours and ways of being from our elders and the environment in which we mature. The artist’s experience of encountering a reflection of herself in a younger sibling evoked an awareness of this influence. Her work utilises the motifs of daisy chains and the rings of trees as symbolism, of both fragility and the strength of nature, adapting and growing in response to its environment to thrive. The organic forms are intended as visual representations of her thoughts on the parallels between this occurrence in nature and in children.

Realization. Photoetching on copper plate printed on Fabriano Fine Art paper, 41cm x 38cm

Reflection. Two plate etching and aquatint on copper printed on Fabriano Fine Art Paper, 31cm x 30.5cm

For small hands. Eight piece wire sculpture, gold fine silver plated craft wire

Impact. Two plate etching on copper printed on Fabriano Fine Art paper, 37cm x 33cm

From one to another. Screenprint on three splices of wood

Grow in response. Etching and aquatint on copper plate printed on Fabriano Fine Art paper

Imitation. Three plate etching on copper printed on Fabriano Fine Art paper, 37cm x 33cm

Imprint. Impression of daisy chain on Fabriano Fine Art paper.

Daisy Chain. Digital photo collage

Mirror. Two plate etching on copper printed on Fabriano Fine Art paper, 37cm x 33cm
Teaching Placements
Ballymakenny College, Drogheda, Co. Louth
St. Joseph's Secondary School, Drogheda, Co. Louth
Holy Family School for the Deaf, Cabra, Dublin 6W