This biographical work is a journey that analyses one side of my personality, related to the repressive condition of memory. It forms a cathartic exploration of the components that contribute to repress the deepest and most rooted thoughts that unconsciously influence our beliefs, behaviours and actions. Through this exercise, I analyse the five key elements that represent those deep feelings and enable me to walk the path as an experience:
● Hiding the memory
● Creating an armour
● Metabolising in the flesh
● Hiding in the cage
● Decomposing
This work is the textile representation of a wearable sculpture that assembles patterns evoking Frankenstein's monster. It experiments with quilting techniques, hot-pressure prints, laser cuts and extreme manipulation of shapes similar to intrusive outgrowths, with jersey and cotton. These are harmoniously presented as chaotic silhouettes.
This work personifies the emotional struggle of the human condition in order to create awareness while I share my personal experience.

NOT LOOKING IN THE MIRROR. Still from video performance

Wearable textile sculpture exhibited for presentation at NCAD

Textile sculpture on display (detail)

Textile sculpture displayed on the mannequin

Sequence representing the first phase of the concept: Hiding the Memory

Sequence representing the second phase of the concept: The Armour

Sequence representing the third phase of the concept: Our Flesh

Sequence representing the fourth phase of the concept: The Cage

Sequence representing the fifth and last phase of the concept: Decomposition

Sequence depicting the fifth and final phase of the concept: Decomposition