The main theme in this body of work is the investigation of the book as a cultural object, how lines can create words or serve the act of writing and reading. I explore lines that order the text and lines that are less orderly. The research investigates how culture creates meaning and how it conveys our changing ways of being involved in the world.
Through the combination of drawing inks, graphite and charcoal on various types of paper alongside small-scale sculpture, photography, audio and video, the work explores the characteristics of these media whilst investigating the core visual themes.
Specific reference points often come from literature and academic research. Contemporary artists referenced include Susan Hiller, Sol LeWitt, Christopher Wool, Maggie Madden and Haegue Yang. A personal interest in culture turns into work that adds to culture.

from James Joyce's Ulysses

Take cultural action

Thinking for writing

search: Crumple Theory

Found material

Like a broken umbrella