
ag caint

Ciarán Conlan

ag caint (talking as Gaeilge) is a rural community project aimed at bridging the gap of communication between tech-savvy users and non-tech savvy users in rural Ireland. ag caint uses audio messaging along with NFC tags to allow people to contact each other and start conversations within their community. The NFC tags are a representation of each person in the community with their face and details assigned to it. To get in contact with them you can simply scan their tag off your phone or community audio device and start an audio recorded conversation with them with the aim of building connection and creating a more connected rural community.

'ag caint' app

'ag caint' app

Ideation sketches

Ideation sketches

Concept storyboard

Concept storyboard

App wireframing

App wireframing

Value proposition

Value proposition

'ag caint' in rural Ireland

'ag caint' in rural Ireland

'ag caint' NFC tags

'ag caint' NFC tags

Scanning the tag to communicate

Scanning the tag to communicate

A vision for the future - a more relatable ag caint modelled after rural phone boxed and post boxes

A vision for the future - a more relatable ag caint modelled after rural phone boxed and post boxes