The pandemic, among its countless interruptions, has affected many people’s plans for the future. It has impeded progress in the satisfying, linear manner society values most. This project explores the ways growth in nature is not necessarily predictable or symmetrical, and the ways in which growth can be an expansion outwards rather than a propulsion forwards.
I am interested in exploring the resilience of plants and how their quest to grow relates to the human experience. And how nothing alive is ever really fixed in one place. In my work I depict forms of natural growth that are at times fragile and at times grotesque.

'Growth #2', Ink, cartridge paper, A3

'Growth #1', Coloured pencil, sugar paper, A2

'Growth #3', Coloured pencil, cartridge paper, A3

'Spreading', Indian ink, modelling paste, monoprint, graphite, 35cm x 37cm

'Upwards, Onwards', Quadriptych, fabric dye on paper, 4 x A5

'Insides', Fabric dye and monoprint on paper, A4

Indian ink and monoprint on paper, A4

'Chitting #1', Ink, cartridge paper, A3

'Chitting #2', Ink, cartridge paper, A3