Working with photography, assemblage and printmaking, this current body of research explores the everyday experience from unfamiliar viewpoints. Interest focuses on the unremarkable objects and images that become attached to us throughout daily life. Often unbeknownst to us. Through a variety of different mediums, the erosion and dispersion of digital artefacts in tangible ways are imagined. Screenshots are extracted from live webcam footage that would otherwise be overwritten and essentially disappear from view. These captures are then made physical as a way of commemorating an ordinary moment in time.
Chance is an integral part of the process. Through working with weathered ceramic fragments that are found within nature as well as taking analogue photographs underwater without using a viewfinder, the unexpected is embraced within the creative outcomes.

Drawer. Copper plate etching on Fabriano

Fragments. Copper plate etching on Fabriano

River IV

River II

River III

Passage. Installation view

Collection. Installation view

Collection. Installation view

Physical Display

Cyanotype on watercolour paper