'Scratch the Surface' was born from an innocent curiosity and interest in my surrounding environment; the proud trees, the captivating flora and fauna. Our sacred, yet almost forsaken connection to nature culminating in a portrayal of interconnected stories and truths.
The natural environment provides a subject matter that allows a great freedom whilst challenging the exploration of more difficult themes. The implementation of various techniques such as washes, layering, sanding and scratching prove invaluable in developing distinctive detail or, at times, starting over when the path of ideas had diverged.
A bombardment of imagery encourages closer inspection while visual elements, like graffiti and collage provide flow and congruence. Colours are applied in swatches over sanded layers to build depth and vibrancy then emboldened with contrast and shadow. All in an effort to focus attention on our conflicted relationship with nature and its harmful effect on the earth. The intention of the work is to challenge you to "scratch the surface".

Untitled 2




Help the Trees



There was a Time

Untitled 1

Untitled 3