As a designer I am focused on designing to meet needs. The process of this has been to define the requirements through research before developing concepts. The aim was to explore what people are doing, how, why, to what end and the circumstances. My focus was to capture current states and understand the unmet needs of stakeholders, their overarching ecosystem and potential causality of change.
It’s also important to factor in guiding principles, of each service, for example I had the privilege of working with the Department of Justice, Immigration Service Delivery for my major Project, some of the key issues at play for these services are national security, human rights and identity verification to the highest standards. All concepts must be guided by the practicalities and needs and verified against a combination of needs and requirements and guiding principles.
This is a selection of snapshots from various projects.

Developing concepts through storyboard

Blueprint accessibility public transport

User testing photo measuring

Capture of local change

User journey map Revolution fitness

Storyboard development