On Samhain 2020, de beginnin o de Celtic year, I decided I would undergo a six month process: to rebirth meself as a druid. I began de process as Ronan O’Reilly. On Bealtaine 2021, de mid-way point o de Celtic year, I held a family ceremony to complete de process and was re-baptised as Rónán Ó Raghallaigh.
Bein a druid means revivin Celtic spirituality and philosophy in de wake of imperialism and Christianity. It means writin about Celts and art as a Celt meself. It means makin art with one foot in de aul Celtic Otherworld, drawin visions from bodhrán trances, sippin out o sacred wells and communin with de Celtic deities. It means bein a peaceful contemplative and a barbaric warrior. It’s a re-awakenin. It’s awkward.
It’s an act of rebellion and decolonisation. It’s me own Celtic Revival. De spiral turns and de snake sheds its skin.

Druid Trance 1. Film still

Druid Trance 1. Film still

Bealtaine Baptism. Film still

De Druid Archive. An archive of notes, vision journal entries, research imagery, animistic objects and paintings

De Druid Archive

Cathbad and Cú Chulainn Meet de Morrigan. Ink and watercolour, 33 x 25cm

Fionn mac Cumhaill Tastin de Salmon o Knowledge. Ink and watercolour, 33 x 25cm

Brigid. Ink and watercolour, 33 x 25cm

Dagda. Ink and watercolour, 33 x 25cm

Fidelm Appears to Queen Medb. Ink and watercolour, 33 x 25cm