What if you could communicate with those in your proximity without the need for an internet connection?
'Ubiq', derived from the word ubiquitous, is an application for handheld devices. Born primarily from curiosity and further driven by design for a community need, the goal is to work in the grey zone between Design and Development.
As humans and social animals, we thrive on connectivity. According to the United Nations, internet connectivity has been elevated as a human right. This all boils down to one thing, that we have an innate desire for connection.
This project comes from a collaboration with existing projects including: 'Freifunk', 'Guifi.net', 'Tubechat' and 'Rightmesh'. Working alongside software developers, network engineers, network administrators, mesh network administrators and a supercomputer network expert throughout the project, ensured that it can be handed directly over to a development team.

Feedback was received at all stages, which was then synthesised and used to refine the prototypes

Ubiq is a service that provides off-grid communications to those who can’t afford or simply don’t wish to pay for mobile data, providing an alternate solution

Co-creation with users was a core part of the project; of course we had to use Miro for online collaboration