

Monique Wiesner


In a rapidly advancing and often deafening society, many of our most pressing issues remain unresolved and wrapped in silence. Proactive design - combined with critical thought - has the potential to promote awareness and encourage change.
Worldwide, 39% of the population are overweight, with one in five children also falling into this category. Obesity is reaching nothing short of epidemic proportions. In tackling such problems, prevention is better than cure. Therefore I've focused my attention on the behaviour and development of preschool children (3 to 4 years old).
‘Tactus’ (Tactile Abacus) is an educational sensory stimulant game, which offers a playful twist on children’s initial appetite triggers. Intended for use within a grocery shopping environment, ‘Tactus’ consists of six rotating blocks, each boasting four interactive surfaces for exploration. Encouraged by their parent(s), the child is encouraged to fix ‘Tactiles’ (Tack Tiles) to different surfaces of the blocks.
With ‘Tactus', youngsters can exercise curiosity through sensory engagement, with the hope of encouraging new and exciting food adventures. It is a means to direct families towards mindful eating habits, keeping the perspective on a balanced diet without compromising on health.