The themes researched in my work focus on the classification and categorisation of individuals. The work explores how grouping individuals together creates a sense of order in how people experience the world from political, social, and power perspectives. This year, through life-sized monochromatic oil depictions of sporting figures and installations of 'unit form' canvas structures on a football pitch, I have focused on the game as a signifier for systems of order and categorization.
Within my work I created 'rules' for painting, resulting in a series with subtle differences or disconnects between individual works, ultimately slowing down the looking process. Like the work of Maggie Nelson whose writing highlights the complexity of delineation; the point of which is to delay premature resolution and highlight nuances within structures of order.

Winning/Losing (a close up)


Pointe Work

Installation of Winning/Losing on partitions and series of works positioned on floor in Margaret Clarke Gallery

Mary speaking about her work in the Margaret Clarke Gallery

Installation of The Decisive Point and Icon

Close up of The Decisive Point

Close up of The Decisive Point

Installation of 'unit form' on football pitch
