In the world, one in five people of varying ages, have dyslexia. Dyslexia does not affect your IQ or your personality but can impact your way of learning. Dyslexia is a processing disorder and taking in information and understanding it can be extremely difficult and stressful. Reading can also be very intimidating for some. This leads to a lack of interest and confidence in capability.
My underlying passion is helping people in whatever way I can. I personally find it rewarding when I have assisted someone and they have benefited from my efforts. My major project builds on this passion and aims to help motivate and encourage primary school students with dyslexia to read. I have designed a recognition reward system so that students receive acknowledgement when certain reading goals are met. Rewards are displayed on a bracelet designed to be desirable to kids.

The I Can Do set

The bracelet design

The badge design

The badge storage design

User wearing bracelet while reading

Teacher interacting with badge storage unit

Teaching rewarding student with badge

The various bracelet colours

User applying badge to bracelet

The final model