Ever since I could remember, I was always purposefully surrounded by monsters.
My mother wanted to make sure that I would never judge by appearances, after all a beautiful prince charming could be much more evil than a terrifying but loving monster.
Sadly to most, the monster is only a figure of evil, a threat to be exiled and never spoken to.
But to others, having gone through painfully similar hurt; the monster is a deeply relatable, safe, comforting and loving figure.
This project takes you through different media such as photography, makeup, video, fashion and illustration.
Finally just like my mother before me; my work seeks to induce in the audience an appreciation for the monster and an acceptance in our own otherness that is desperately needed.
You are now surrounded by monsters, please be kind.

I the monster – snake

I the monster – spread 1

I the monster – spread 2

I the monster – spread 3

I the monster – spread 4

I the monster – spread 5

I the monster – spread 6

Collection models

Game characters