In my current work I am experimenting with using Rhino 3D software as both a tool and a medium along with simple materials like paper and card to create anamorphic cube sculptures and conceptual drawings. Within the empty space affected by, above and below a cube in a given space, and from a given light source, lie the possibilities to build anamorphic cube sculptures.
In the development of this project I have designed a series of abstract structures that contain hidden within them, a cube. The cube will only be revealed by viewing from a single perspective point related to the structure, or in the form of the structure's shadow on the ground. Inspired by Morandi and in my conceptual drawings created in Rhino, I am exploring the question, to what extent is communication possible through the use of only simple geometrical forms and empty space?

View of Anamorphic Cube 13

View of Anamorphic Cube 13

Studio shot showing cubes 9 and cube 12

View of variation of cube 9

View of work in studio space

View of cube 12

View of cube 11

Variation, cube 9

Computer generated drawing

Computer generated drawing