

Cian O'Connor

Amputee football is a growing sport. It is an adapted version of the game we love, except all outfield players are leg amputees and use crutches, and goalkeepers are arm amputees.

With a passion for designing for minorities and a love for football, I was very excited to design in this field.

In my research, I was angered to discover that amputee footballers lack well-designed products. Protection of the residual limb is not required, and players find it difficult to find products that fit their stump securely without causing damage to the skin. Some players even struggle after games to refit their prosthetic limbs as a result of swelling.

Through my research, including interviews with clinical specialists, I have been able to create the only existing amputee shin guard socks on the market. ‘Limbpact’ is a protection device that is worn directly onto the skin and features pads to defend the areas of most concern. A limb protection device for amputee footballers, it can also be used in almost all amputee sports and in daily life.

As designers we have the power to design for minorities, and to turn disabilities into abilities. Limbpact does just that.



Limbpact. Colours available

Limbpact. Colours available

Limbpact. Bottom view

Limbpact. Bottom view

Limbpact in context

Limbpact in context

Limbpact in context

Limbpact in context

Limbpact in real life

Limbpact in real life

Limbpact in real life

Limbpact in real life

Limbpact models

Limbpact models

Limbpact models

Limbpact models

Limbpact technology

Limbpact technology

Limbpact in action