
Kūki 'Airani

Chloe Kairua


‘Kūki ‘Airani’, which translates to 'Cook Islands' is a project about heritage. When thinking about my connection to the Cook Islands, I found I never knew enough. This project explores how it is possible to use the topics of culture, community and personal heritage to learn and communicate information learnt about your orgins and heritage.

‘Aro’a’ (to welcome) is a display typeface designed to convey the cultural values and history of the Cook Islands to the world. Through in-depth research and contact with ordinary people living in the Islands, I posed questions about their daily lives. Their stories and responses are curated into a website called 'Kia Orana' (Hello, may you live long) which enable visitors to learn about island life without having to visit. From a personal perspective, and focusing on my own perception of the Cook Islands, I designed ‘Tāku’ (mine) as a textile piece that displays what this place means to me through the use of contemporary symbols and colour.

Tāku – Mine

Tāku – Mine

Tāku – Mine

Tāku – Mine

Tāku – Mine

Tāku – Mine

Aro'a. Typeface

Aro'a. Typeface

Aro'a. Typeface

Aro'a. Typeface

Aro'a. Typeface numerals

Aro'a. Typeface numerals

Aro'a. Typeface

Aro'a. Typeface